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Discutafel creates green audio. Listen to our podcast!

In memory of Marlies from Discutafel

Marlies Notermans

On December 6, 2019, Marlies Notermans passed away. She was co-founder of Discutafel in 2013. And a very special friend of mine.


It was on April 14th 2012 when I found myself sitting next to Marlies at a psycholinguistics training about ‘framing’. It turned out to be the start of a warm friendship. We exchanged ideas and knowledge on a sustainable future.

Meal with a story to tell

Marlies and I founded Discutafel in 2013. Our shared ambition to contribute to sustainability and also our shared background in permaculture were the foundation of the initiative.
After the series of ‘Meal with a story to tell’ we opted for another strategy in 2018: Discutafel podcast.

Grey and green

Although Marlies wasn’t very active on the internet, her contributions to Discutafel were great, both in the podcast and on the website. Her insights into food transition, the ‘grey’ environment, were one of the pillars next to my insights into nature, the ‘green’ environment.
Sadly Marlies was increasingly constrained by health problems. Gradually she had to let Discutafel go. This meant a shift of focus to green audio. Discutafel is doing well, but I do miss the grey part!

Digital legacy

With the passing of Marlies I’ve lost a dear friend and former colleague. In spite of her reluctance to digital developments, she left behind a digital legacy in Discutafel. I treasure the recordings and blogs.
Bye Marlies, thank you so much.

This is an English summary of the Dutch blog.

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Discutafel podcast 65: afscheid van Marlies / farewell to Marlies

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