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Permaculture, what is it? (2)

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The 5 permaculture dimensions make the system robust. Can you recognize them in your garden?

Green professionals are used to work in 2 dimensions: horizontal en vertical cultivation. This is also fine to many hobby gardeners. Look a little further, and apply your new insights. You’ll enrich your hobby. And your garden will take care of itself more and more.

Five dimensions in permaculture

  1. surface:
    horizontal cultivation layer on the soil
  2. height and depth:
    multiple vertical cultivation layers in and above the soil. For example: food forest
  3. interaction with abiotic factors:
    climate, soil and water. Think of the sun calendar when designing your garden!
  4. interaction with biotic factors:
    competition, symbiosis, parasitic behaviour etc. Important feature in permaculture: companion planting
  5. time:
    annual, biennial and perennial plants; succession
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