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Discutafel podcast 2nd anniversary: current download figures and ambitions

Discutafel 1 jaar Servet op dinerbod

On March 1, 2020, it will be exactly 2 years since we started Discutafel podcast.
We’ll be celebrating our second anniversary! So, what’s happening?

First episode

On March 1, 2018, the first-ever episode of Discutafel podcast was released. From this week onwards, you can listen to episode 72, in Dutch. The first episode is a Discucoverage of a well-known Dutch garden fair. It is still being downloaded weekly or so! It ranks in the all-time top-5 episodes with most downloads.

Originally, we published podcasts in Dutch only. We started making extra episodes in English in October, 2018. Most popular English episodes are the one featuring Monty Don and the first part on allotment gardening in the UK and The Netherlands.


Earlier in February we reached the 12,000th download since monitoring started in June, 2018. Discutafel fans are mainly located in The Netherlands, Belgium and California (USA). Thank you all for listening and supporting!

Discutafel doesn’t have the ambition to peak. We think that’s probably not very realistic for a Dutch podcast on a green niche topic. But we do want to make connections and exchange ideas with fellow gardeners, permaculture enthusiasts and other green people like you!

Discutafel in the future

Marlies Notermans and I started the podcast on eco-friendly gardening and permaculture. In December, 2019, fate struck. Marlies passed away.
A very tragic event for Marlies and her loved ones. And Discutafel podcast listeners felt the consequences, too.

I’m moving on and keep making podcasts. Because I love to do it! And I think it’s important to share our green passion. Headstrongly, I keep speaking of ‘we’.
But Marlies’ passing means not only a personal loss, but also a loss in expertise and available editing hours.

It would be better for Discutafel podcast quality, and thus for you, listeners, if others would participate. How? I don’t know yet. If you happen to have an idea, or even consider to be part of Discutafel, please let me know.

Do you like listening to our podcast? Please tell others! More happy listeners make a bigger party.
Any suggestions to make Discutafel better? Any ideas for 2020? Tell us. Your feedback is wellcome. Because the microphone doen’t talk back 😉

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Permaculture, what is it? (1)

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Discutafel podcast 73: Dutch wetlands: from Wadden Sea to garden pond (2)

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