Listen to episode 42 below.
Publication date: 18-4-19.
Duration: 17:43.
Host: Ivonne Smit.
Episode 42: top garden birds in UK and NL part 2
This show we’re talking about garden birds. Part 2.
In this edition:
- Attracting garden birds: what can gardeners do?
- How is the most seen species in UK gardens, the house sparrow, doing in The Netherlands?
- Which species is most seen by gardeners in The Netherlands?
- And how about about birdwatch numbers in 2018.
On rank 2 we see a remarkable difference between the two countries.
Video: in hot summers you might spot house sparrows tumbling in the dust.
That’s a way to get rid of mites and other unwanted creatures.
The birds tussle to get the best spots.
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More on British and Dutch garden birds & national birdwatch events
UK & NL birdwatch 2018 results in numbers
Bird species | UK rank 2018 | Vogelsoort | NL positie 2018 |
House sparrow | 1 | Huismus | 1 |
Starling | 2 | Spreeuw | 11 |
Blue tit | 3 | Pimpelmees | 3 |
Blackbird | 4 | Merel | 5 |
Woodpigeon | 5 | Houtduif | 8 |
Goldfinch | 6 | Putter | ? |
Great tit | 7 | Koolmees | 2 |
Robin | 8 | Roodborst | 10 |
Long tailed tit | 9 | Staartmees | 18 (2019) |
Chaffinch | 10 | Vink | 6 |
Collared dove | 11 | Turkse tortel | 7 |
Magpie | 12 | Ekster | 9 |
Dunnock | 13 | Heggemus | 12 (2019) |
Jagdaw | 14 | Kauw | 4 |

- Big garden bird watch
- Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) website and Twitter
- Celebrating 40 years of the Big Garden Birdwatch

- De Nationale Tuinvogeltelling
- Vogelbescherming Nederland website and Twitter
- Nationale tuinvogeltelling 2003-2018
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