Two reports on media consumption were published this summer in the Netherlands. One is specifically about podcast listening in our country.
What do researchers think they know about podcast listeners like you?
Immature market
Discutafel podcast guests and friends sometimes ask us: ‘Who’s listening to audio on demand? How popular are podcasts?’ We do understand those questions.
The podcast market in the Netherlands is immature. More and more titles are available. But we need valid listening figures, business models and accepted charts.
Statistics: difficult
Universal standards on podcast statistics are not yet available. As creators of Discutafel we depend on the American software we use to publish the podcast. We know the totals of downloads and streaming sessions, and the countries where people listen to us. At some time, we’ll publish an article about these figures.
Discutafel listener, who are you?
As to the identity and user experience of our podcast listeners we, podcasters, hardly know anything. This is why it’s so nice when you contact us by email or social media!
We’d like to respond better to our listeners’ circumstances. Therefore we invite Discupost readers in the September edition of our newsletter to respond to the research results.
Research on Dutch podcast listeners
What are some of the most interesting findings of 2 recent studies on you, Dutch podcast listener? Do you recognize yourself?
- There’s a slightly bigger chance that you’re male.
- You are well-educated (we think it’s an annoying term), and you’re likely to be between 28 and 44 years of age.
- You’re listening to podcasts on specific moments and for specific purposes, sometimes together with your partner or in groups.
- Usually you’re listening at home. But also in the car, or using public transport or at work.
- You describe the relationship with the creator as ‘personal’ and ‘close by’, though it differs according to the programme.
- Paying for a podcast is one step too far for you. But you would like to support podcast makers.
- User experience should be better, according to you. There are far too many podcast apps and they don’t perform well.
You’re leading the way
- Upon request, of all Dutch people 21% says they have listened to a podcast in the previous month.
So you’re leading the way 😉
2018 figure: 18%. Current 2019 figure in the US: 35%. - 50% of Dutch people between 18 and 24 years of age is listening to podcasts.
2018 figure: 40%. - 16% of Dutch people between 45 and 54 years of age is listening to podcasts.
2018 figure: 11 %.
Read more on these studies (sorry, in Dutch)
- Nederlandse podcastluisteraars: van Audiomuur tot Zuurstoftank. Exploratory study by Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and Dag en Nacht Media.
- Mediamonitor 2019 <update 2024: sadly, the link doesn’t work anymore>. Paper by Commissariaat voor de Media and Reuters Institute.
- Het eerste grote onderzoek naar Nederlands podcastgebruik. Article.
- Luisteraars vinden advertenties prima. Article.
- Onderzoek: steeds meer podcastluisteraars in Nederland. Article.